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Herbal Antibacterial Alternatives

The FDA announced that it would be pulling antibacterial soap off the self.  Test have been done & prove that it's no better than washing your hands with normal soap & that the chemicals are dangerous to your health.  Still worried about germs? Here is a short list of some herbs known to have antibacterial properties 

Lavender ~Not only does it smell great but it helps clean

Rosemary~Another great smelling herb

Garlic~Good inside & out

Peppermint~Also great inside & out 

Lavender, rosemary & mint are great added to any soap in dried form or as an essential oil.  Just added a few drops to your normal soap.

For a great cleaning spray try

Vinegar of the Four Thieves
2 oz dried lavender
2 oz dried rosemary
2 oz dried wormwood
2 oz. dried mint 
2 oz dried sage
8 cups apple cider vinegar

Or use 2 to 4 tbs. of oil depending on how strong you want it

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